By EFT Reporter
Eswatini Mobile has committed significant investments to expand its network coverage and capacity footprint for over E150M. The wait is finally over as you can now get network coverage live in your area, with a rollout plan of a staggering 75 new sites.
This expansion is sure to bring enhanced connectivity to communities across the country, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on various aspects of people’s lives. The Telco has wasted no time, with four new sites already standing tall, ready to bridge the digital divide, it is a testament to Eswatini Mobile’s unwavering dedication to transforming the nation’s communication landscape, one tower at a time. Among the areas that can now celebrate improved access to seamless communication are Ezulwini Evangelical, Zamani Mahebedla, Mpholi in Manzini, and the residents of Kwaluseni Inkhundla.
“It is true that we are rolling out 75 new sites across the country to increase our presence through coverage and capacity access sites. The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2023” said Eswatini Mobile’s Chief Technology Officer, Jabulile Dlamini. “This project will deliver connectivity to previously underserved areas, and areas previously experiencing degraded service due to insufficient coverage. Our market penetration will significantly improve as more subscribers gain access to the best network in the kingdom, and this sets us on course to achieve and even exceed the current financial year revenue targets, and ultimately support the achievement of the group vision “Africa’s leading integrated business partner” she added.
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These new sites are not just towers; they are pillars of progress, bringing the world closer to these communities. Eswatini Mobile agents have been actively selling and registering customers from the new sites and this is what some of them had to say: Ntokozo Mathunjwa from Logoba, Ndzevane under the Kwaluseni Inkhundla site expressed his happiness saying, “network was not great in my area, but the past few days have been a breeze, and I can use the 4G network with no issues”.
Louisa Dupont of the Zamani area who is a vendor and owns a spaza, was not getting the desired support from her customers because of network issues but things have changed for the better “network was not stable, we were not able to make calls nor access the internet, but since the new site addition we can use the internet and make seamless calls. Thank you to Eswatini Mobile” she exclaimed.
By increasing network coverage and accessibility, Eswatini Mobile is demonstrating its commitment to providing advanced technology to its citizens. So, do not miss out on this opportunity to upgrade your mobile experience, activate your new SIM card today and start enjoying MORE 4U.