ESCCOM makes E43.4 million in revenue

ESCCOM makes E43.4 million in revenue

By Delisa Thwala

Revenue for the Eswatini Communications Commission (ESCCOM) the period under review which is, April 1, 2024, to May 31, 2024, was E43.4 million.
This information is contained in the Ministry of Information, Communication, and Technology (ICT) quarterly performance report.

ESCCOM established by the Eswatini Communications Commission Act 2013, is the regulatory body for the Communications Sector in Eswatini encompassing Telecommunications, Broadcasting and Postal Services, Data Protection, Cyber Security, Electronic Transactions, and the management of the radio frequency spectrum resources.

The report further states that operational costs for the period ending May 31, 2024, amounted to E14.2

“The cash flow position as of May 31, 2024, was a positive balance of E899 800,” reads the report.

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The commission was able to acquire assets to the value of E645.8 million. These assets are Capital Work in Progress at E570 000 and IT equipment at E75 000 net property, plant, and equipment as of May 31, 2024, are at E46.9 million and capital work in progress at E322.4 million.

“The Commission’s investments as of May 31, 2024, are at E93 million. These investments are with Stanlib, African Alliance, Status Capital, Old Mutual, and Central Bank Bonds,” read the report.

ESCCOM CEO Mvilawempi Dlamini

According to the report, there were three key initiatives in the broadcasting sector that the commission pursued during the quarter under review.

“Bumba Media Film Production Skills Development the commission is engaging with this company to establish a skills development program in script writing, directing, lighting and cinematography, to facilitate the creation of local content,” read the report.

There was also training of licensee personnel where the Commission convened meetings with all licensees to address their training needs for the current financial year.

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Three priority areas emerged training for marketing teams, programming-related training, and education on digital broadcasting and monetization.

“Channel Yemaswati TV Equipment the Commission has acquired essential equipment for Q Channel Yemaswati TV, which will assist the station in various aspects such as news gathering, program production, editing, and post-production. The total cost of these items amounts to E792,200.00,” reads the report in part.

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