
  • 8 July 2024

Euro zone investor morale drops, breaking streak of gains in “setback”

An illustration showing Euros FRANKFURT – Investor morale in the eurozone broke an eight-month streak of improvements with a bigger-than-expected decline in July, a survey showed on Monday, describing the…
  • 5 July 2024

The LGF set for the CEO Roundtable

The CEOs that will be part of the roundtable By Phumelele Mkhonta The Leadership Growth Forum is living up to its mandate of building future leaders and they have roped…
  • 29 June 2024

Govt’s E12 billion projects

By Delisa Thwala The Covd-19 pandemic battered all sectors of the economy and saw job losses as some companies were forced to fold. Realising the impact of the pandemic and…
  • 26 June 2024

South African rand edges lower as cabinet announcement nears

FILE PHOTO: A street money changer counts South African Rands in Harare, Zimbabwe, May 5, 2016. REUTERS/Philimon Bulawayo JOHANNESBURG – The South African rand edged lower on Wednesday, as an…
  • 19 June 2024

Bee farmers are stranded with honey, no market

By Thokozani Mazibuko In a disappointing turn of events, bee farmers find themselves in a precarious situation with an excess of honey and nowhere to sell it. The farmers had…
  • 15 June 2024

E1 billion worth of Microprojects uplifting communities

By Delisa Thwala The Microprojects Programme (MPP) is making a huge impact on the lives of ordinary Swazi’s through establishing self-help infrastructure projects in the rural and semi-urban areas. Director…
  • 12 June 2024

Over 22,000 international visitors attended Bushfire

By Bahle Gama The 17th Edition Bushfire Festival witnessed a significant influx of international visitors to the country, marking a notable increase compared to the previous year.According to the Eswatini…
  • 12 June 2024

BUILD IT unveils 8th store

@DirektorKwenu By Delisa Thwala There seems to be a glimmer of hope in the fast developing small town of Siphofaneni. Thanks to Build It who recently unveiled their 8th store…
  • 11 June 2024

22 countries where the Rand is stronger for tourists

By Bahle Gama Every tourist’s dream is to spend less or an amount equivalent to the currency in their home country when visiting a foreign country. However, with the exchange…
  • 8 June 2024

Marshals set to cost ‘Birds’ part of E1 million league prize

Mbabane Swallows fans By Chris Dlamini Allegations of misconduct look set to cost Mbabane Swallows a part of their MTN Premier League champions’ E1 million prize money. This follows claims…